Monday, 4 November 2013

Charlie Big Time - Sale Or Return

PZL037: Charlie Big Time - Sale Or Return EP cover art

Welcome to a new working week (I'm not going to say the word Monda...shit...I just did...) anyway, here we all are and thegeneral has something really rather lovely to lull you into a dreamlike state. No, not a metric fudgetonne of drugs, but this brand new EP from Charlie Big Time.

Now then, my interest was piqued when this sweet set of songs arrived in my inbox for review (not a euphemism), not least because this band are from my neck of the woods in Lancashire - but because it genuinely wasn't what I was expecting to hear.

I think I wrongly assumed their name implied that they would be some kind of hulkingly heavy guitar band, but what I actually got was something much more ethereal, something much more lullingly gentle and beguiling and readers, it has captivated me.

Hands up if you remember shoegazing? That's three of you accounted for. This little collection of songs is a gently reminiscent nudge towards that, but with an eminently more poppy, indie feel and offers a very accessible take on a genre that some indie-kids found challenging.

The vocals are spacily intermingled with whispy, dreamy chords - the guitar melodies are never over played or over stated and the lyrics - sometimes determinedly edgy mix perfectly with the music. Stand out tracks are the opener "A Sunday Afternoon Well Spent" and penultimate track ""Pitiful, Delightful and Alarming".

The EP is available to buy on the extremely hipncool Seattle based Jigsaw Records:

Or you can get it for digital download from the Jigsaw Records bandcamp page:

You can also have a look at the band's website and their previous releases here:

And thegeneral highly recommends you do. Not just because they're a local band, but because they're really rather lovely and deserve some more fans. Charlie Big Time, you heard them here - now run with them, run like the wind my child.

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